The City of Springfield Retirement Board is comprised of five board members: Two represent the City government, two are elected from and by the active and retired members of the system and a fifth member, selected by the four and who shall not be a member of the system.
Board Members
Thomas M. Scanlon, Chairman
Retired Police Detective, employed by the Springfield Police Department since 1985.
President IBPO #364 (2003-2009)
Patrick S. Burns
City of Springfield employee since 1993. Appointed City Comptroller in 2009.
Haskell O. Kennedy, Jr., Ed.D
Holds a Masters of Public Administration from American International College and a Doctorate of Education from UMASS, Amherst.Serves on the Board of Directors for the YMCA, Martin Luther King Jr. Community Center, and recently served as the Vice-Chairman of the Board of Commissioners for the Springfield Police Department. A member of Omega Psi Phi Fraternity Inc., and the National Forum for Black Public Administrators.
Karl J. Schmaelzle
Bachelor of Science Degree, Westfield State College, Springfield Technical Community College, Two Associate Degrees.
Retired from Agawam Fire Department. Past Union President, spent 20 years on the Massachusetts State Hazardous Material Team.
Retired Master Sergeant: Massachusetts Air National Guard.
Hampden County Regional Retirement Board: Elected Member's Representative since 2002.
Massachusetts Retirees, Vice President, Western District: MACRS Executive Board Member
Robert P. Moynihan
Retired Police Lieutenant. Holds a Master of Science in Criminal Justice and a Associates in computer programming.
Executive Board of Police Supervisors Association from 1995 to 2005.