August 2, 2023, Meeting Minutes

HELD ON AUGUST 2, 2023 AT 5:00 P.M.

Present: Thomas Scanlon, Robert Moynihan, Haskell Kennedy, Patrick Burns, Karl Schmaelzle, Attorney Alfredo Vivenzio, Executive Director, Susana Baltazar, Teresa D’Agostino, Recording Clerk, Brent Brenes, Attorney John Connor, Jennifer Brenes, Deputy Fire Chief Michael Hess, Arjel Falcon, Attorney Kevin Coyle, Raul Gonzalez, Rena Taddia, Attorney David Wenc, Steven Desilets

Chairman Scanlon called the meeting to order at 5:00 P.M.

Agenda Item #1-Minutes
Motion made by Moynihan to approve the open session and executive session minutes of the meeting held on July 12, 2023, second by Kennedy. Moynihan, yes, Burns, yes, Kennedy, yes, Schmaelzle, yes, Scanlon, yes.

Agenda Item #2- Involuntary Accidental Disability/Ordinary Disability Application-Brent Brenes-Fire Department
Based on the review of the information received and that the member is receiving 111F benefits, a motion was made by Kennedy to accept the application for Involuntary Accidental Disability benefits submitted by Commissioner Bernard Calvi, and request that PERAC convene a medical panel, second by Moynihan. Moynihan, yes, Burns, yes, Kennedy, yes, Schmaelzle, yes, Scanlon, yes. A motion was also made by Schmaelzle to deny the Ordinary Disability since the member is receiving 111F benefits and the facts presented, second by Kennedy. Moynihan, yes, Burns, yes, Kennedy, yes, Schmaelzle, yes, Scanlon, yes.

Agenda Item #3-Involuntary Accidental Disability Application-Arjel Falcon-Police Department
EXECUTIVE SESSION: Motion made by Moynihan to enter into Executive Session to discuss the member’s medical condition as in the application for Accidental Disability benefits, and then to return to open session, second by Kennedy. Moynihan, yes, Burns, yes, Kennedy, yes, Schmaelzle, yes, Scanlon, yes.

Based on the review of the medical panel results, a motion was made in executive session by Schmaelzle to accept the majority of the medical panel results which were affirmative responses, the evidence of the Accidental Disability application and approve the disability benefits for Arjel Falcon, second by Kennedy. Moynihan, yes, Burns, yes, Kennedy, yes, Schmaelzle, yes, Scanlon, yes.

Agenda Item #4-Involuntary Ordinary Disability Application-Raul Gonzalez-Police Department
After further review of the medical information provided as well as the requirements to consider an application for an Ordinary Disability, a motion was made by Burns to rescind the vote taken by the Board at the July 12, 2023 meeting regarding the application for Ordinary Disability benefits submitted by Police Superintendent Cheryl Clapprood, second by Schmaelzle. Moynihan, yes, Burns, yes, Kennedy, yes, Schmaelzle, yes, Scanlon, yes. A motion was also made by Moynihan to accept the application for Involuntary Ordinary Disability benefits submitted by Police Superintendent Cheryl Clapprood and request that PERAC convene a medical panel, second by Schmaelzle. Moynihan, yes, Burns, yes, Kennedy, yes, Schmaelzle, yes, Scanlon, yes.

Agenda Item #5-Superannuation Applications
Motion made by Moynihan to approve the following Superannuation Applications: Deborah Allard, Principal Clerk, School Department with 29 years and 9 months as of August 26, 2023; Cecilia Hoynoski, Licensed Practical Nurse, School Department with 15 years and 2 months as of August 1, 2023; Joseph Jacobs, Senior A Custodian, School Department with 37 years and 10 months as of September 1, 2023; Lorene Leembruggen, Fiscal Manager, Health Department with 26 years and 1 month as of October 21, 2023; Denise Matuszczak, Senior Administrator of Digital Learning and Assessment, School Department with 18 years as of September 23, 2023; Julie Mitchell, Sped Para Educator, School Department with 11 years and 3 months as of July 28, 2023; Marc Pedraza, Security Guard, School Department with 17 years and 2 months as of July 29, 2023; William Schindler, Jr., Working Forman II, Water and Sewer Commission with 20 years as of September 9, 2023; Maria Siciliano, Police Officer, Police Department with 34 years and 6 months as of September 2, 2023; Katie Skrok, Junior Custodian, School Department with 13 years and 5 months as of August 16, 2023, second by Burns. Moynihan, yes, Burns, yes, Kennedy, yes, Schmaelzle, yes, Scanlon, yes.

Agenda Item #6-Superannuation Calculations
Motion made by Moynihan to approve the thirteen (13) retirement allowance calculations as presented to the Board according to statute, second by Burns. Moynihan, yes, Burns, yes, Kennedy, yes, Schmaelzle, yes, Scanlon, yes.

Agenda Item #7-Warrants
Motion made by Moynihan to approve and reaffirm the approval of the following warrants: Warrant #41 Refunds in the amount of $66,274.24, Warrant #42 Refunds in the amount of $79,856.11, Warrant #43 Transfers in the amount of $385,358.35, Warrant #44 Expenses in the amount of $6,618.05, Warrant #45 Expenses in the amount of $348,252.25, Warrant #46 Retirement payroll in the amount of $7,613,220.83 and redemption from the PRIT fund in the amount of $0.00, Warrant #47 Refunds in the amount of $983.09, second by Burns. Moynihan, yes, Burns, yes, Kennedy, yes, Schmaelzle, yes, Scanlon, yes.

Agenda Item #8-Redeposit of Refunds and Makeup of Contributions
Motion made by Moynihan to accept the redeposit of refunds to: Glenn Altro, Project Coordinator, Park Department, for the refunds from the Springfield Retirement System in 1995, 1996 and 2000; Joseph Collins, SPED Para Educator, School Department, for the refund from the West Springfield Retirement System in 2018, second by Burns. Moynihan, yes, Burns, yes, Kennedy, yes, Schmaelzle, yes, Scanlon, yes.

Agenda Item #9-Refunds/Transfers to Other Systems
Motion made by Schmaelzle to accept the thirty-three (33) requests for refunds and transfers to other systems as presented to the Board. The names have been submitted to their particular Department, the Law Department and the Massachusetts Department of Revenue, second by Moynihan. Moynihan, yes, Burns, yes, Kennedy, yes, Schmaelzle, yes, Scanlon, yes.

Agenda Item #10-New Members
Motion made by Moynihan to accept the twenty (20) New Members for membership due to their employment within the member units of the Springfield Retirement System as presented to the Board, second by Kennedy. Moynihan, yes, Burns, yes, Kennedy, yes, Schmaelzle, yes, Scanlon, yes.

Agenda Item #11-Monthly Financial Reports
Motion made by Moynihan to approve the monthly trial balance, cash receipts, cash disbursements, journal entries and general ledger reports for the month of June as presented to the Board, second by Burns. Moynihan, yes, Burns, yes, Kennedy, yes, Schmaelzle, yes, Scanlon, yes.

Agenda Item #12-MGL Chapter 32 Hearing on Retirement/Rights/Status/Benefits-Heath Dion-Building Department
Attorney Vivenzio addressed the Board regarding Heath Dion’s employment with the City of Springfield Building Department. Attorney ViVenzio asked questions of Steven Desilets, the Code Enforcement Commissioner. Attorney David Wenc was also present for this hearing. Documents were presented to the board which included dates of the days that Mr. Dion was scheduled to work, time cards, as well as information from the Town of Longmeadow, for time that Mr. Dion was also employed there. This information was reviewed by the board. Attorney Wenc stated that the City of Springfield is seeking to have Mr. Dion return misappropriated funds in the amount of $13,555.79. After discussion and based on the information presented to the Board, a motion was made by Burns finding the charge of misappropriation of the employer’s funds in the amount of $13,555.79 to be true, second by Kennedy. Moynihan, yes, Burns, yes, Kennedy, yes, Schmaelzle, yes, Scanlon, yes. A motion was also made by Burns that the member shall forfeit pursuant to Chapter 32, section 15(1) the sum of $13,555.79, second by Kennedy. Moynihan, yes, Burns, yes, Kennedy, yes, Schmaelzle, yes, Scanlon, yes. Motion was also made by Burns that Heath Dion shall cease to be a member of the system and any future membership in the Springfield Retirement System shall require approval of the Springfield Retirement Board, second by Kennedy. Moynihan, yes, Burns, yes, Kennedy, yes, Schmaelzle, yes, Scanlon, yes. Matter is concluded.

Agenda Item #13-Director’s Report
Executive Director Baltazar presented the Lease Agreement for the space at 70 Tapley Street until June 30, 2024. Motion was made by Moynihan to accept the Lease Agreement as presented, second by Schmaelzle. Moynihan, yes, Burns, yes, Kennedy, yes, Schmaelzle, yes, Scanlon, yes. Ms. Baltazar also updated the Board on the Benefit Verification Forms that are outstanding. These retirees and survivors were sent reminders and phone calls were made. A motion was made by Moynihan and seconded by Burns to send out letters, certified as well as by regular mail, notifying them that their August benefits will be held until we receive the required Benefit Verification Forms. Moynihan, yes, Burns, yes, Kennedy, yes, Schmaelzle, yes, Scanlon, yes. Ms. Baltazar also let the Board know that PERAC’s Emerging Issues Forum will be held this year on September 21, 2023 and a PERAC Administrator’s meeting will be held on August 23, 2023.

Agenda Item #14-Attorney’s Report
Attorney Vivenzio updated the Board on pending cases which include the matters of Goodman, Lefebvre, and Matos.

Agenda Item #15-Old Business

Agenda Item #16-New Business

Reports and Notices
PERAC Memos #17 Reinstatement to Service under G.L.c.§ 105, June PRIT Fund Update, Boston Millennia Quarterly Reports, Budget Balances as of July, Monthly Transfers as of July, Recent Retiree Deaths, List of Injury Reports, Monthly Cash Flow

Motion made by Moynihan to adjourn at 6:00 P.M. second by Kennedy. Moynihan, yes, Burns, yes, Kennedy, yes, Schmaelzle, yes, Scanlon, yes.

The correspondence and reports were received and reviewed by the Board Members and the Executive Director and will be placed on file.

Thomas M. Scanlon, Chairman

Robert P. Moynihan, Elected Member

Haskell Kennedy, Appointed Member

Patrick S. Burns, Appointed Member

Karl J. Schmaelzle, 5th Member