Our dedicated staff is here to serve you.
Retirement Staff
Susana Baltazar
Responsible for the overall administration of the Springfield Retirement System with over 37 years of experience in the retirement field. Available for private retirement counseling sessions and employer group education seminars.
Teresa M. D’Agostino
Assistant to the Executive Director and oversees the day-to-day operations. Available for private retirement counseling sessions.
Sabin Fallon
Responsible for processing the payroll for Retirees and Survivors. Available to answer Retiree/Survivor and membership questions and for retirement counseling.
Wai Si Shing
Responsible for the monthly accounting, monthly reporting to PERAC and the Annual Financial Report. Also responsible for processing benefit calculations.
Cynthia Moran
Responsible for the processing of disability Retirement Applications. Also responsible for providing our Members and Retirees with Retirement information.
Rosemary Chiarizio
Responsible for recording weekly, the members' financial information and requests, as well as processing benefit calculations. Also responsible for providing our Members and Retirees with Retirement information.
Renee Rae
Responsible for processing refund and transfer requests, and for providing our Members and Retirees with Retirement information.
Alfredo A ViVenzio, J.D.
Board Attorney since 2003