February 3, 2021, Meeting Minutes

The Springfield Retirement Board Meeting Scheduled for February 3, 2021 was held remotely as a Result of the COVID-19 pandemic. The Public can access the meeting remotely via GoToMeeting at https://global.gotomeeting.com/join/842528613. You can also dial in using your phone.
United States: +1 (312) 757-3121 - Access Code: 842-528-613

HELD ON FEBRUARY 3, 2021 AT 5:00 P.M.

Present: Thomas Scanlon, Robert Moynihan, Philip Mantoni, Patrick Burns, Haskell Kennedy, Attorney Alfredo ViVenzio, Executive Director, Susana Baltazar, Judy Dziobek, Recording Clerk

Agenda Item #1-Minutes
Motion made by Kennedy to approve the minutes of the meeting held on January 13, 2021, second by Moynihan. Moynihan, yes, Kennedy, yes, Burns, yes, Mantoni, abstained, Scanlon, yes.

Agenda Item #2-Accidental Disability Application-Juan Flores-Police Department
Motion made by Burns to deny the application for Accidental Disability benefits submitted by Juan Flores based on the remand received by PERAC, second by Kennedy. Moynihan, yes, Kennedy, yes, Burns, yes, Mantoni, abstained, Scanlon, yes.

Agenda Item #3-Superannuations
Motion made by Moynihan to approve the following Superannuations: James Constantino, Jr., Water and Sewer Commission, Senior Project Manager with 34 years and 10 months as of 3/20/2021; Patricia D’Amario, Springfield Library, Manager of Borrower’s Services with 40 years and 5 months as of 1/30/2021; Eileen Hanley, Springfield Retirement System, Pension Distribution Manager with 34 years and 10 months as of 2/13/2021; Robert Shea, Department of Public Works, Senior Storekeeper with 17 years and 11 months as of 1/30/2021; Barbara Snyder, School Department, Paraprofessional with 32 years as of 1/30/2021; Robert Strzempek, Police Department, Police Captain with 41 years and 2 months as of 1/29/2021, second by Kennedy. Moynihan, yes, Kennedy, yes, Burns, yes, Mantoni, yes, Scanlon, yes.

Agenda Item #4-Warrants
Motion made by Moynihan to approve and reaffirm the following warrants: Warrant #2 Expenses in the amount of $58,241.42, Warrant #3 Refunds in the amount of $86,949.91, Warrant #4 Refunds in the amount of $59,921.97; Warrant #5 Refunds in the amount of $88,918.03, Warrant #6 Retiree payroll in the amount of $6,942,000.96 and redemption from the PRIT fund in the amount of $0.00, second by Burns. Moynihan, yes, Kennedy, yes, Burns, yes, Mantoni, yes, Scanlon, yes.

Agenda Item #5-Refunds/Transfers to Other Systems
Motion made by Burns to approve the four (4) requests for refunds and transfers to other systems. The names have been submitted to their particular Department, the Law Department and the Massachusetts Department of Revenue, second by Moynihan. Moynihan, yes, Kennedy, yes, Burns, yes, Mantoni, yes, Scanlon, yes.

Agenda Item #6-Benefits under Section 9
Motion made by Moynihan to approve the election of Section 9 benefits from the beneficiary of Thomas Marco of the Police Department-Deceased, second by Kennedy. Moynihan, yes, Kennedy, yes, Burns, yes, Mantoni, yes, Scanlon, yes.

Agenda Item #7-Director’s Report
Executive Director Susana Baltazar informed the Board that notices for the yearly COLA have been sent out to the Mayor, City Council, as well as the Springfield Housing Authority and the Water and Sewer Commission, informing them that a request to grant up to a 3% COLA increase to the retirees and survivors would be on the agenda for the next scheduled Board Meeting on March 3, 2021. Executive Director Baltazar also informed the Board of an upcoming Webinar offered by PERAC on submitting their Statement of Financial Interests through PROSPER, and gave an update on the office procedures due to the Coronavirus. Ms. Baltazar informed the Board that we have received the PERAC Disability approvals for Darin Fitzpatrick-Police Department and Xavier Cody-Police Department, and gave an update on the PRIM performance.

Agenda Item #8-Attorney’s Report
Attorney Vivenzio informed the Board that he had a pre-trial hearing scheduled for Harold Goodman on February 22, 2021 and would update the Board accordingly.

Agenda Item #9-Old Business

Agenda Item #10-New Business

F. Y. I. PERAC Memos #1-840 CMR 10-10(3) &10-15(1)(c)–Annual Review of Medical Testing Fee, #2-2021 Limits under Chapter 46 of the Acts of 2002, #3-2021 Limits under Section 23 of Chapter 131 of the Acts of 2010, #4-COLA Notice, #5-PROSPER SFI Online Submission, #6-2021 Interest Rate set at 0.1%, #7-Buyback and Make-up Repayment Worksheet, #8-Required Minimum Distribution: Now Age 72 For This Year's Notifications, PERAC News Flash regarding Richard D. MacKinnon, Jr. Appointed to Commission, December PRIT Fund Update, Monthly Transfers for January, Recent Retiree Deaths

The correspondence and reports were received and reviewed by the Board Members and the Executive Director.

Motion made by Moynihan to adjourn at 5:34 P.M. second by Kennedy. Moynihan, yes, Kennedy, yes, Burns, yes, Mantoni, yes, Scanlon, yes.

Thomas M. Scanlon, Chairman

Robert P. Moynihan, Elected Member

Haskell Kennedy, Appointed Member

Patrick S. Burns, Appointed Member

Philip J. Mantoni, 5th Member