March 6, 2019, Meeting Minutes

HELD ON MARCH 6, 2019 AT 5:00 P.M.

Present: Thomas Scanlon, Robert Moynihan, Patrick Burns, Philip Mantoni, Haskell Kennedy, Attorney Christine Pikula, Executive Director, Susana Baltazar, Judy Dziobek, Recording Clerk, Paul Harvey, Thomas Meleady, Richard Labelle, Peter Manolakis, Paul Bradley, Glen Carpenter, Attorney Lan Kantany, Glenn Guyer, Edgardo Arroyo, Charles Howard, Lynn Vedovelli, Rena Taddia, City Councilor Timothy Allen

Chairman Scanlon called the meeting to order at 5:00 P.M.

Agenda Item #1-Minutes
Motion made by Moynihan to approve the minutes of the meeting held on February 6, 2019, second by Kennedy and voted unanimously.

Agenda Item #2-COLA
Motion made by Moynihan to grant a 3% cost of living on the COLA base effective July 1, 2019 for eligible retirees and survivors, second by Kennedy. Scanlon, yes, Moynihan, yes, Mantoni, yes, Kennedy, yes, Burns, yes.

Agenda Item #3-Accidental Disability and Ordinary Disability Application-Edgardo Arroyo-Police Department
Motion made by Kennedy to accept the applications for Accidental Disability and Ordinary Disability benefits submitted by Edgardo Arroyo, and request that PERAC convene a medical panel, second by Moynihan and voted unanimously.

Agenda Item #4-Accidental Disability Application-Charles Howard-Police Department
Motion made by Moynihan to accept the application for Accidental Disability benefits submitted by Charles Howard, and request that PERAC convene a medical panel, second by Kennedy and voted unanimously.

Agenda Item #5- Involuntary Ordinary Disability Application-Paul Bradley-Fire Department
Motion made by Moynihan to accept the responses of the medical panel regarding the Involuntary Application for Ordinary Disability benefits submitted by Fire Commissioner Bernard Calvi, second by Kennedy and voted unanimously.

Agenda Item #6-Superannuations
Motion made by Moynihan to accept the following superannuations: John Barbieri, Police Commissioner, Police Department with 30 years and 9 months as of 2/23/19; Gregory D. Brown, Working Foreman 1, Water and Sewer Commission with 28 years and 10 months as of 3/1/19; H David Cruz, Patrolman, Police Department with 31 years and 2 months as of 2/27/19; Kathryn Hardy, HR Manager, Springfield Housing Authority with 10 years as of 4/9/19, second by Mantoni and voted unanimously.

Agenda Item #7-Warrants
Motion made by Moynihan to approve and reaffirm the payment of the following warrants: Warrant #7 Transfers in the amount of $6,113.11, Warrant #8 Refunds in the amount of $62,501.48, Warrant #9 Expenses in the amount of $337,408.48, Warrant #10 Expenses in the amount of $105,703.20, Warrant #11 Expenses in the amount of $1,580.74, Warrant #12 Retiree payroll in the amount of $6,567,590.89
and redemption from the PRIT fund in the amount of $6,000,000.00, second by Burns and voted unanimously.

Agenda Item #8-Refunds/Transfers to Other Systems
Motion made by Mantoni to accept the twenty (20) requests for refunds and transfers to other systems. The names have been submitted to their particular Department, the Law Department and the Massachusetts Department of Revenue, second by Moynihan and voted unanimously.

Agenda Item #9-Redeposit of Refunds and Makeup of Contributions
Motion made by Burns to allow the makeup of contributions to: Christopher Doyle, Senior Custodian, Facilities Department for 6 months of employment with the School Department; Darrin Fitzpatrick, Police Officer, Police Department for 1 year 6 months of employment at the DPW and Parks Departments; John Wadlegger Jr., Police Sergeant, Police Department for 1 month of employment with the Parks Department, second by Kennedy and voted unanimously.

Agenda Item #10-Request for Membership
Motion made by Moynihan to allow membership to City Councilor Orlando Ramos, second by Kennedy and voted unanimously.

Agenda Item #11- Director’s Report
Executive Director, Susana Baltazar, presented the Annual Statement to the Board. Motion was made by Moynihan to approve and submit the 2018 Annual Statement as prepared to PERAC by May 1, 2019, second by Burns. Scanlon, yes, Moynihan, yes, Mantoni, yes, Kennedy, yes, Burns, yes. Executive Director Baltazar informed the Board that the PERAC disability approval was received for Nelson Fiega-Fire Department. Ms. Baltazar also updated the Board on the status of the yearly Benefit Verification forms as well as the PRIT year to date performance. Ms. Baltazar reminded the Board that there would be a PERAC Seminar held on March 28, 2019 at Tapley Street if anyone would be interested in attending.

Agenda Item #12-Attorney’s Report

Agenda Item #13-Old Business
Board Member Burns informed the Board that the transfer to the Pension Fund of $1,117, 986.90 was approved from the FY 2018 Certified Free Cash at the City Council meeting and that the City is committed to funding the system. City Councilor Timothy Allen agreed with Member Burns and also addressed the Board and stated how attentive they are to the funding of the system.

Agenda Item #14-New Business
Executive Director Baltazar informed the Board that she received a Public Records Request for retirement allowance information. As the Records Access Officer for the Springfield Retirement System, she will be responding to the request.

F. Y. I. PERAC Memos: #11-Workers’ Compensation Data Match in PROSPER, PERAC Correspondence-2018 Annual Statement of Earned Income, January PRIT Fund Update, Boston Millennia Partners-Distribution Information, Boston Millennia-Quarterly Report, Crescendo Ventures-Quarterly Report, After-Closing Trial balance and Reports through the month of December, Budget Balances as of February, Monthly Transfers for February, Recent Retiree Deaths

The correspondence and reports were received and reviewed by the Board Members and Executive Director.

Motion made by Moynihan to adjourn at 5:37 P.M. second by Burns and voted unanimously.

Thomas M. Scanlon, Chairman

Robert P. Moynihan, Elected Member

Haskell Kennedy, Appointed Member

Patrick S. Burns, Appointed Member

Philip J. Mantoni, 5th Member