HELD ON DECEMBER 6, 2023 AT 5:00 P.M.
Present: Thomas Scanlon, Robert Moynihan, Haskell Kennedy, Patrick Burns, Karl Schmaelzle, Attorney Alfredo Vivenzio, Executive Director, Susana Baltazar, Teresa D’Agostino, Recording Clerk, Frank Arduino, Albert Innarelli, CPA, Daniel Gramarossa, Attorney John Connor, Mark Correa, Robert Bellucci Jr., Attorney Kevin Coyle, Daniel Dirienzo, Attorney Katherine Lamondia-Wrinkle, Joshua Schimmel, Jennifer Boulais.
Remote Participation: Felicia McGinniss, Associate General Counsel at PERAC
Chairman Scanlon called the meeting to order at 5:00 P.M.
Agenda Item #1-Minutes
Motion made by Moynihan to approve the minutes of the meeting held on November 1, 2023, second by Kennedy. Moynihan, yes, Burns, yes, Kennedy, yes, Schmaelzle, yes, Scanlon, yes.
Agenda Item #2-MGL Chapter 32 Section 91A Hearing-Excess Earnings-Frank Arduino-Police Department
Chairman Scanlon stated that the purpose of the meeting was to review the 2017 through 2020 Excess Earnings under Chapter 32, Section 91A, as provided by PERAC. Attorney Felicia McGinniss from PERAC attended the meeting remotely. Chairman Scanlon began by swearing in the witnesses, and Attorney ViVenzio, Board Counsel, began asking questions of Attorney McGinniss regarding how the 2017, 2018, 2019, and 2020 excess earnings were calculated. Albert Innarelli, Frank Arduino’s CPA, also asked questions regarding the PERAC calculations of the 2017 through 2020 excess earnings. Earned income and taxable income was reviewed in great detail. Case law and section 179 expenses were also reviewed since in certain circumstances, section 179 expenses can affect the calculation of excess earnings. After discussion and hearing all the testimony, a detailed list would need to be provided to the Springfield Retirement Board of the section 179 expenses, as well as information regarding each piece of equipment attributed to the section 179 expenses, by Frank Arduino. Once this information is received, the Board will submit it to PERAC for their review. Motion made by Moynihan to table this matter to the February board meeting, second by Schmaelzle. Moynihan, yes, Burns, yes, Kennedy, yes, Schmaelzle, yes, Scanlon, yes.
Agenda Item #3-Involuntary Accidental Disability Application-Daniel Gramarossa-Fire Department
After review of the medical panel results, a motion was made by Moynihan to accept the responses of the medical panel for Involuntary Accidental Disability benefits submitted by Commissioner Bernard Calvi, the evidence of the application, and approve the Involuntary Accidental Disability benefits, second by Schmaelzle. Moynihan, yes, Burns, yes, Kennedy, yes, Schmaelzle, yes, Scanlon, yes.
Agenda Item #4-Involuntary Ordinary/Accidental and Voluntary Accidental Disability Applications-Anthony Amato-Fire Department
After review of the applications, a motion was made by Schmaelzle to table the application for Involuntary Ordinary/Accidental Disability benefits submitted by Fire Commissioner Bernard Calvi, and the Voluntary Accidental Disability application submitted by Anthony Amato, until the January 10, 2024 meeting, second by Moynihan. Moynihan, yes, Burns, yes, Kennedy, yes, Schmaelzle, yes, Scanlon, yes.
Agenda Item #5-Involuntary Accidental Disability Application-Mark A Correa-Fire Department
Motion made by Schmaelzle to accept the application for Involuntary Accidental Disability benefits submitted by Fire Commissioner Bernard Calvi, and request that PERAC convene a medical panel, second by Moynihan. Moynihan, yes, Burns, yes, Kennedy, yes, Schmaelzle, yes, Scanlon, yes.
Agenda Item #6-Involuntary Accidental Disability Application-Robert Bellucci Jr.-Police Department
After review of the application, some updated medical information was conveyed to the Board. A motion was made by Schmaelzle to accept the application for Involuntary Accidental Disability benefits submitted by Police Superintendent Cheryl Clapprood, and request that PERAC convene a medical panel, pending clarification of the medical information received, second by Moynihan. Moynihan, yes, Burns, yes, Kennedy, yes, Schmaelzle, yes, Scanlon, yes.
Agenda Item #7-Accidental Disability Application-Daniel Dirienzo-Water and Sewer Commission
After review of the application and some discussion, a motion was made by Moynihan to accept the application for Accidental Disability benefits submitted by Daniel Dirienzo, and request that PERAC convene a medical panel, pending additional information from the department pertaining to the incident, second by Burns. Moynihan, yes, Burns, yes, Kennedy, yes, Schmaelzle, yes, Scanlon, yes.
Agenda Item #8-Superannuation Applications
Motion made by Moynihan to approve the following Superannuation Applications: Mark Bacon, Police Officer, Police Department with 32 years and 11 months as of January 3, 2024; Kathleen Breck, Deputy City Solicitor, Law Department with 36 years and 5 months as of February 2, 2024; Edward Cass, Police Officer, Police Department with 34 years and 11 months as of January 3, 2024; James Crogan, Police Officer, Police Department with 32 years as of January 2, 2024; William Deuso, Auto Refuse Col Driver Semi, Department of Public Works with 36 years and 6 months as of January 19, 2024; Sandra Federico, Director of Elder Affairs, Elder Affairs with 30 years and 3 months as of January 30, 2024; Michael Hutter, Photo Id Technician, Police Department with 18 years and 7 months as of January 17, 2024; Gifford Jenkins, Police Officer, Police Department with 37 years and 6 months as of January 2, 2024; Janet LaVallee, Community Training Officer I, Fire Department with 15 years and 3 months as of February 17, 2024; Kevin McCaffrey, Police Officer, Police Department, with 33 years and 5 months as of January 3, 2024; Louis Rosario Jr., Police Lieutenant, Police Department, with 34 years and 2 months as of January 3, 2024; Alvin Skinner, Senior Custodian, School Department with 37 years and 7 months as of January 3, 2024, second by Kennedy. Moynihan, yes, Burns, yes, Kennedy, yes, Schmaelzle, yes, Scanlon, yes.
Agenda Item #9-Superannuation Calculations
Motion made by Moynihan to approve the six (6) retirement allowance calculations as presented to the Board according to statute, second by Burns. Moynihan, yes, Burns, yes, Kennedy, yes, Schmaelzle, yes, Scanlon, yes.
Agenda Item #10-Redeposit of Refunds and Makeup of Contributions
Motion made by Moynihan to approve the redeposit of refunds to: Christopher Baymon, Sped Para Educator, School Department, for the refund from the Springfield Retirement System in 2021; Nathaniel Pace, Classroom Para Educator, School Department, for the refund from the Springfield Retirement System in 2022; Shaquille Pace, Para in Training, School Department, for the refund from the Springfield Retirement System in 2022; Robert Wilson, Control Technician, School Department, for the refund from the Springfield Retirement System in 2023, second by Kennedy. Moynihan, yes, Burns, yes, Kennedy, yes, Schmaelzle, yes, Scanlon, yes.
Agenda Item #11-Warrants
Motion made by Schmaelzle to approve and reaffirm the approval of the following warrants: Warrant #63 Expenses in the amount of $5,937.71, Warrant #64 Refunds in the amount of $124,213.94, Warrant #65 Transfers in the amount of $215,694.22, Warrant #66 Expenses in the amount of $63,121.28, Warrant #67 Refunds in the amount of $5,246.74, Warrant #68 Expenses in the amount of $12,502.27, Warrant #69 Retirement payroll in the amount of $7,760,848.12 and redemption from the PRIT fund in the amount of $5,850,000.00, second by Burns. Moynihan, yes, Burns, yes, Kennedy, yes, Schmaelzle, yes, Scanlon, yes.
Agenda Item #12-Refunds/Transfers to Other Systems
Motion made by Moynihan to approve the forty-two (42) requests for refunds and transfers to other systems as presented to the Board. The names have been submitted to their particular Department, the Law Department and the Massachusetts Department of Revenue, second by Burns. Moynihan, yes, Burns, yes, Kennedy, yes, Schmaelzle, yes, Scanlon, yes.
Agenda Item #13-New Members
Motion made by Moynihan to accept the sixty-five (65) New Members for membership due to their employment within the member units of the Springfield Retirement System as presented to the Board, second by Schmaelzle. Moynihan, yes, Burns, yes, Kennedy, yes, Schmaelzle, yes, Scanlon, yes.
Agenda Item #14-Benefits under Section 101
Motion made by Moynihan to approve the request for survivor benefits to the beneficiary of Giles Daigneau of the Police Department-Deceased, second by Schmaelzle. Moynihan, yes, Burns, yes, Kennedy, yes, Schmaelzle, yes, Scanlon, yes.
Agenda Item #15-Monthly Financial Reports
Motion made by Burns to accept the monthly trial balance, cash receipts, cash disbursements, journal entries and general ledger reports for the month of October as presented to the Board, second by Kennedy. Moynihan, yes, Burns, yes, Kennedy, yes, Schmaelzle, yes, Scanlon, yes.
Agenda Item #16-Director’s Report
Executive Director Baltazar provided to the Board some information regarding the use of electronic signatures, as well as PERAC memo #28, 840 CMR 28.00 Electronic Signatures. The Board reviewed the benefits of allowing electronic signatures on specific forms, especially the required forms at the time of enrollment into the system. After discussion, the Board asked Ms. Baltazar to gather additional information for discussion at the next board meeting before considering adopting a regulation allowing the use of electronic signatures on specific forms. Director Baltazar also provided an update on the PRIT performance, and let them know that a PERAC webinar will be held on December 14th regarding Recent Cases of Interest.
Agenda Item #17-Attorney’s Report
Attorney Vivenzio updated the Board on pending cases, which include the matters of Goodman, Lefebvre, Matos and Smith.
Agenda Item #18-Old Business
Agenda Item #19-New Business
Reports and Notices
PERAC Memos, #23-Paid Family and Medical Leave (PFML) & Supplemental, #24-Outsourced Chief Investment Officer (OCIO) Policy, #24a-Outsourced Chief Investment Officer (OCIO) Policy, #25-Cybersecurity Training, #26-Pension Fraud Prevention Campaign, October PRIT Fund Update, Boston Millennia Quarterly Reports, Treasurer’s Reconciliations, Budget Balances as of November, Monthly Transfers as of November, Recent Retiree Deaths, List of Injury Reports, Monthly Cash Flow
Motion made by Moynihan to adjourn at 6:30 P.M. second by Schmaelzle. Moynihan, yes, Burns, yes, Kennedy, yes, Schmaelzle, yes, Scanlon, yes.
Thomas M. Scanlon, Chairman
Robert P. Moynihan, Elected Member
Haskell Kennedy, Appointed Member
Patrick S. Burns, Appointed Member
Karl J. Schmaelzle, 5th Member