TO BE HELD ON AUGUST 14, 2024 AT 5:00 P.M.
Agenda Item #1-Minutes
Vote to consider approving the minutes of the meetings held on July 10, 2024 and July 30, 2024.
Agenda Item #2-Involuntary Accidental Disability Application-Quinton Rogers-Police Department
Vote to consider the responses of the medical panel for Involuntary Accidental Disability benefits submitted by the Police Department.
Agenda Item #3-Involuntary Accidental Disability Application-Dennis Borrero-Police Department
Vote to consider the acceptance of the Involuntary Accidental Disability application submitted by Police Superintendent Lawrence Akers, and request that PERAC convene a medical panel.
Agenda Item #4-Involuntary Accidental Disability Application-Hector Morales-Police Department
Vote to consider the acceptance of the application for Involuntary Accidental Disability benefits submitted by Police Superintendent Lawrence Akers, and request that PERAC convene a medical panel.
Agenda Item #5-Ordinary Disability Application-Brian Fitzgerald-Water and Sewer Department
Vote to consider the responses of the medical panel for Ordinary Disability benefits submitted by Brian Fitzgerald.
Agenda Item #6-Involuntary/Voluntary Accidental Disability Applications-Charles Rhodes-Fire Department
Vote to consider the acceptance of the applications for Involuntary/Voluntary Accidental Disability benefits submitted by Fire Commissioner Bernard Calvi and Charles Rhodes and request that PERAC convene a medical panel.
Agenda Item #7-Involuntary Accidental Disability Application-Samuel Eady-Fire Department
Vote to consider the responses of the medical panel for Involuntary Accidental Disability benefits submitted by Fire Commissioner Bernard Calvi.
Agenda Item #8-Superannuation Applications
Vote to consider the acceptance of the following Superannuation Applications:
1. Denise Bass, Classroom Para Educator, School Department with 18 years and 3 months as of August 15, 2024.
2. Gregg Bigda, Police Officer, Police Department with 29 years and 8 months as of August 2, 2024.
3. Diane Collura, Speech Language Assistant, School Department with 25 years and 8 months as of September 4, 2024.
4. Leo Florian, Mediator, Health Department with 40 years and 1 month as of September 28, 2024.
5. Felicia Gasque, Principal Clerk Typist, School Department with 25 years and 5 months as of August 7, 2024.
6. Christopher Hitas, Police Sergeant, Police Department with 34 years and 5 months as of October 19, 2024.
7. Mary Sowers, Sped Para Educator, School Department with 35 years and 6 months as of October 10, 2024.
Agenda Item #9-Superannuation Calculations
Vote to approve the twelve (12) retirement allowance calculations as presented to the Board according to statute.
Agenda Item #10-Redeposit of Refunds and Makeup of Contributions
Vote to consider the redeposit of refunds to:
1. Alisha Cameron, Home School Attendance Specialist, School Department, for the refund from the Springfield Retirement System in 2023.
2. Theresa Glenn, Gambling Program Coordinator, Health Department, for the refund from the State Retirement Board in 2015.
3. Matthew Goodchild, Building Inspector, Building/Code Enforcement Department, for the refund from the State Retirement Board in 2017.
4. Iris Santiago, Principal Clerk Typist, School Department, for the refund from the Springfield Retirement System in 2020.
5. Mickey Rodrigues, Junior Custodian, School Department, for the refunds from the Springfield Retirement System in 2016 and 2018.
Agenda Item #11-Warrants
Vote to reaffirm the approval of the following warrants:
Warrant #44 Refunds in the amount of $73,326.03
Warrant #45 Expenses in the amount of $34,818.93
Warrant #46 Transfers in the amount of $327,496.89
Warrant #47 Refunds in the amount of $16,671.61
Warrant #48 Refunds in the amount of $33,946.22
Warrant #49 Expenses in the amount of $89,241.43
Warrant #50 Transfers in the amount of $64,379.45
Warrant #51 Retirement payroll in the amount of $8,037,477.42
and redemption from the PRIT fund in the amount of $0.00
Agenda Item #12-Refunds/Transfers to Other Systems
Vote to consider the thirty (30) requests for refunds and transfers to other systems as presented to the Board. The names have been submitted to their particular Department, the Law Department and the Massachusetts Department of Revenue.
Agenda Item #13-New Members
Vote to consider the thirty (30) New Members for membership due to their employment within the member units of the Springfield Retirement System as presented to the Board.
Agenda Item #14-Monthly Financial Reports
Vote to accept the monthly financial reports for the month of June as presented to the Board.
Agenda Item #15-Director’s Report
• MGL Chapter 32 Section 91A-Compliance of 91A Reporting and 91A Terminations
• Update of 2024 Affidavits – Benefit Verification Forms
Agenda Item #16-Attorney’s Report
Agenda Item #17-Old Business
Agenda Item #18-New Business
Reports and Notices
o #19-Reinstatement to Service under G.L.c. 32 § 105 and Application
o #20-Cost of Living Increase for Supplemental Dependent Allowance Paid to Accidental Disability Retirees and Accidental Death Survivors.
PERAC Correspondence
June PRIT Fund Update
Boston Millennia Quarterly Report
FY2025 Cola Report
Treasurer’s Reconciliation for the month of May
Budget Balances as of July
Monthly Transfers as of July
Recent Retiree Deaths
List of Injury Reports
Monthly Cash Flow
Next Monthly Board Meeting: September 4, 2024 @ 5:00 P.M.
The Board reserves the right to consider items on the agenda out of order. In addition, the Board may enter into Executive Session during the meeting if requested by the individual or as deemed necessary by the Board or its Legal Counsel. Items listed for discussion in Executive Session may be conducted in open session in addition to or in lieu of discussion in Executive Session.