November 1, 2017, Meeting Minutes

HELD ON NOVEMBER 1, 2017 AT 5:00 P.M.

Present: Thomas Scanlon, Patrick Burns, Robert Moynihan, Philip Mantoni, Attorney Alfredo ViVenzio, Executive Director, Susana Baltazar, Judy Dziobek, Recording Clerk, Robert Williams, Attorney Kevin Coyle, Lynn Vedovelli, Keola Perry, Attorney Thomas Rooke, Raymond Wyszynski, Kim Wyszynski, William Gagnon, Attorney John Connor, Matthew Donnellan, Michael Surprise, Robert Mulcahey, William Mallett, Attorney David Hodge

Absent: Haskell Kennedy/Scheduling conflict

Chairman Scanlon called the meeting to order at 5:00 P.M.

Agenda Item #1-Minutes
Motion made by Moynihan to approve the minutes of the meeting held on October 4, 2017, second by Burns and voted unanimously.

Agenda Item #2-Involuntary Accidental Disability-Robert Williams/Police Department
Motion made by Moynihan to accept the responses of the medical panel, the evidence of the Involuntary Accidental Disability application and approve the disability benefits for Robert Williams, second by Burns and voted unanimously.

Agenda Item #3-Involuntary Accidental and Ordinary Disability-Keola Perry/Police Department
Motion made by Moynihan to table action on the Involuntary Accidental Disability and Ordinary Disability applications submitted by Police Commissioner John Barbieri pending clarification from the medical panel, second by Burns and voted unanimously.

Agenda Item #4-Accidental Disability Application, Involuntary Accidental Disability Application and Ordinary Disability Application-Raymond Wyszynski/Police Department
EXECUTIVE SESSION: Motion made by Mantoni and second by Burns to enter into Executive Session and then return to open session. Mantoni, yes, Burns, yes, Moynihan, yes, Scanlon, yes.

Executive Session to discuss the member’s physical condition as in the applications for Accidental Disability, Involuntary Accidental Disability and Involuntary Ordinary Disability benefits.

A motion was made in executive session by Moynihan to accept the Accidental Disability Application, and request that PERAC convene a medical panel, second by Burns. Mantoni, yes, Burns, yes, Moynihan, yes, Scanlon, yes.

A motion was made in executive session by Moynihan to table the Involuntary Accidental Application and Involuntary Ordinary Disability application submitted by Police Commissioner John Barbieri, second by Mantoni. Moynihan, yes, Burns, yes, Mantoni, yes, Scanlon, yes.

Agenda Item #5-Accidental Disability-William Gagnon/Water & Sewer Commission
Motion made by Moynihan to accept the responses of the medical panel, the evidence of the Accidental Disability application and approve the disability benefits for William Gagnon, second by Burns and voted unanimously.

Agenda Item #6-Accidental Disability-Michael Surprise/School Department
Motion made by Moynihan to accept the responses of the medical panel, the evidence of the Accidental Disability application and approve the disability benefits for Michael Surprise, second by Burns and voted unanimously.

Agenda Item #7-Accidental Disability-William Mallett/School Department
Motion made by Moynihan to accept the application for Accidental Disability benefits submitted by William Mallett and request that PERAC convene a medical panel, second by Mantoni and voted unanimously.

Agenda Item #8-Superannuations
Motion made by Moynihan to accept the following Superannuations: James Avezzie, Zone Chief, Facilities, with 42 years and 10 months as of 11/18/2017; Alan Pellerin, Working Foreman, DPW, with 27 years and 2 months as of 1/19/18; Dianne M. Normand, Paraprofessional, School Department with 20 years and 3 months as of 10/21/17; Filomena Tetrault, Paraprofessional, School Department with 24 years and 11 months as of 10/11/17, second by Burns and voted unanimously. A motion was made by Moynihan in executive session to table the Superannuation Application for Raymond Wyszynski until a later date pending additional information from the Police Department, second by Burns. Mantoni, yes, Burns, yes, Moynihan, yes, Scanlon, yes.

Agenda Item #9-Warrants
Motion made by Mantoni to approve and reaffirm the payment of the following warrants: Warrant #49 Transfers in the amount of $34,557.33, Warrant #50 Refunds in the amount of $141,643.45, Warrant #51 Refunds in the amount of $8,632.23, Warrant #52 Expenses in the amount of $47,923.96, Warrant #53 October Retiree allowances in the amount of $6,261,253.82, and redemption from the PRIT fund in the amount of $4,660,000.00, second by Moynihan and voted unanimously.

Agenda Item #10-Refunds/Transfers to Other Systems
Motion made by Moynihan to accept the fourteen (14) requests for refunds and transfers to other systems, second by Burns and voted unanimously.

Agenda Item #11-Redeposit of Refunds and Makeup of Contributions
Motion made by Moynihan to allow the makeup of contributions to: Edward Cass, Police officer, Police Department, purchasing 3 years and 4 months at the Police Department as a Cadet from 1989 to 1992; John M. Keefe, Firefighter, Fire Department, purchasing first six months of employment as a Firefighter; Heduin Rivera, Motor Equipment Operator, Solidwaste, purchasing 5 months at the Parks Department as a Seasonal Grounds Worker in 2007; and redeposits to: Margaret Tokarski, Paraprofessional, School Department, for the refund from Springfield Retirement in 2004; John M. Keefe, Firefighter, Fire Department, for the refund from Springfield Retirement in 1983; David L. Dunston, Security Guard, School Department, for the refunds from Springfield Retirement in 1998 & 2005, second by Burns and voted unanimously.

Agenda Item #12- Benefits under Section 101
Motion made by Moynihan to approve survivor benefits, §101, to the beneficiary of Russell Mercier of the Police Department-Deceased, second by Burns and voted unanimously.

Agenda Item #13-Meeting dates for Calendar Year 2018
Changes were made to the Calendar as presented to the Board for their review and decided they will finalize at their next scheduled meeting on December 6, 2017.

Agenda Item #14-Director’s Report
Executive Director Susana Baltazar informed the Board that PERAC will be conducting their financial audit of the Springfield Retirement System. Ms. Baltazar also informed the Board that some computers may need to be updated. Susana Baltazar also informed the Board that she is receiving positive feedback on the new Employee Self Service (ESS) through Pension Technology Group, and will be holding workshops for anyone who is interested in learning more about the ESS.

Agenda Item #15-Attorney’s Report
Attorney Vivenzio informed the Board that the office had received correspondence from a current disability retiree which was copied to Mayor Sarno. Attorney Vivenzio informed the Board his matter is currently under appeal with an expedited hearing date. He will inform the Board as to the outcome when it is received.

Agenda Item #16-Old Business

Agenda Item #17-New Business

F. Y. I. PERAC Memos, #30 Mandatory Retirement Board Member Training – 4th Quarter 2017, #31 Appropriation Data Due October 31, 2017 and Appropriation Data Due October 31, 2017, #32 Tobacco Company List, September PRIT Fund Update, Trial Balance, Adjusting Entries, Receipts, Disbursements and General Ledger for the month of September, Treasurer’s Reconciliation for the month of August, Budget Balances as of October, Monthly Transfers for October, Recent Retiree Deaths Boston Millennia Partners Distribution Information

Motion made by Moynihan to adjourn at 6:30 P.M. second by Mantoni and voted unanimously.

Thomas M. Scanlon, Chairman

Robert P. Moynihan, Elected Member

Patrick S. Burns, Appointed Member

Philip J. Mantoni, 5th Member