March 4, 2020, Meeting Minutes

HELD ON MARCH 4, 2020 AT 5:00 P.M.

Present: Robert Moynihan, Patrick Burns, Thomas Scanlon, Haskell Kennedy, Philip Mantoni, Attorney Alfredo ViVenzio, Executive Director, Susana Baltazar, Judy Dziobek, Recording Clerk, Teresa D’Agostino, Dennis Leger, Xavier Cody, Bonnie Watson, George A. Poulopoulos, John J. Reilly, Richard Blain, William G. Bell

Chairman Moynihan called the meeting to order at 5:00 P.M.

Agenda Item #1-Minutes
Motion made by Burns to approve the minutes of the meeting held on February 5, 2020, second by Scanlon. Moynihan, yes, Kennedy, yes, Burns, yes, Scanlon, yes, Mantoni, abstained.

Motion made by Burns to approve the minutes from the Executive Sessions held on February 5, 2020, second by Scanlon. Moynihan, yes, Kennedy, yes, Burns, yes, Scanlon, yes, Mantoni, abstained.

Agenda Item #2-COLA
Motion made by Scanlon to grant a 3% cost of living increase on the COLA base effective July 1, 2020 for eligible retirees and survivors, second by Kennedy. Moynihan, yes, Kennedy, yes, Burns, yes, Scanlon, yes, Mantoni, yes.

Agenda Item #3-Ordinary Disability Application-Bonnie Watson-School Department
Motion made by Scanlon to accept the application for Ordinary Disability benefits submitted by Bonnie Watson, and request that PERAC convene a medical panel, second by Kennedy and voted unanimously.

Agenda Item #4-Involuntary Accidental Disability Application and Involuntary Ordinary Application-Xavier Cody-Fire Department
Motion made by Kennedy to accept the application for Accidental Disability benefits submitted by Commissioner Bernard J. Calvi, and request that PERAC convene a medical panel, second by Scanlon and voted unanimously. Motion made by Kennedy to accept the application for Ordinary Disability benefits submitted by Commissioner Bernard J. Calvi, and request that PERAC convene a medical panel, second by Scanlon and voted unanimously.

Agenda Item #5-Involuntary Accidental Disability Application-Dennis Leger-Fire Department
Motion made by Mantoni to accept the responses of the medical panel, the evidence of the Accidental Disability application and approve the disability benefits submitted by Fire Commissioner Bernard J. Calvi, second by Kennedy and voted unanimously.

Agenda Item #6-Superannuations
Motion made by Scanlon to accept the following Superannuations: Juan Martinez, Jr., Code Enforcement Inspector, Code Enforcement/Housing Division with 27 years and 4 months as of 2/14/2020; David Rivera, Fire Marshall, Fire Department with 32 years and 8 months as of 4/5/2020; Eugene Rooke, Police Officer, Police Department with 32 years and 5 months as of 2/28/2020; Garrett Sullivan, Administrative Officer, Fire Department with 25 years and 8 months as of 4/19/2020; William Witherspoon, Police Officer, Police Department with 31 years and 2 months as of 3/7/2020, second by Kennedy and voted unanimously.

Agenda Item #7-Warrants
Motion made by Mantoni to approve and reaffirm the following warrants: Warrant #6 Transfers in the amount of $160.095.28, Warrant #7 Refunds in the amount of $111,080.71, Warrant #8 Refund in the amount of $1,222.41, Warrant #9 Expenses 3(8)(c)’s in the amount of $316,476.29, Warrant #10 Expenses in the amount of $101,207.48, Warrant #11 Expenses in the amount of $429.00, Warrant #11A Retiree payroll in the amount of $6,790,591.83 and redemption from the PRIT fund in the amount of $6,000,000.00, second by Burns and voted unanimously.

Agenda Item #8-Refunds/Transfers to Other Systems
Motion made by Burns to approve the thirty-five (35) requests for refunds and transfers to other systems. The names have been submitted to their particular Department, the Law Department and the Massachusetts Department of Revenue, second by Mantoni and voted unanimously.

Agenda Item #9-Director’s Report
Executive Director, Susana Baltazar, presented the Annual Statement to the Board. Motion was made by Scanlon to approve and submit the 2019 Annual Statement, as prepared, to PERAC by May 1, 2020, second by Burns. Moynihan, yes, Scanlon, yes, Mantoni, yes, Kennedy, yes, Burns, yes. Ms. Baltazar also presented to the Board the Vendor Disclosure Statements that were received from Boston Millennia Partners and Crescendo Ventures. Ms. Baltazar informed the Board that the yearly Benefit Verification forms were in the process of being mailed to retirees and survivors. Executive Director Baltazar informed the Board that the PERAC disability approvals were received for Gerald Larose-Code Enforcement, Jeffrey Litchfield-Facilities, Joshua Mastey-Fire Department, Kiesha Fairley-Police Department, and Linda Franklin-Division of Health & Human Services. The Director also informed the Board that the NCPERS Conference will be held from May 10, 2020 through May 13, 2020, and the Spring MACRS Conference will be held from May 31, 2020 through June 3, 2020 if anyone is able to attend. The IT Department informed Ms. Baltazar that the current computers would need to be upgraded to accommodate Windows10 and Excel 2016; therefore, four computers for the Staff are needed. Executive Director Baltazar also suggested to the Board that there may be a need for the Retirement Office to stay open late at least one evening a week to accommodate members and retirees. Ms. Baltazar will get back to the Board with a recommendation at a future Board meeting. Ms. Baltazar updated the Board on the PRIT year to date performance.

Agenda Item #10-Attorney’s Report
Motion made by Scanlon and second by Kennedy to enter into Executive Session to discuss pending litigation matters and then return to open session. Moynihan, yes, Kennedy, yes, Mantoni, yes, Burns, yes, Scanlon, yes.

Agenda Item #11-Old Business

Agenda Item #12-New Business
Board Member, Thomas Scanlon, suggested that the Staff be allowed to wear some type of attire which would indicate their employment at the Springfield Retirement System. Motion made by Scanlon to have Executive Director Baltazar discuss this proposal with the Staff, and begin the process of determining the style and graphic design of the attire, second by Kennedy and voted unanimously.

F. Y. I. PERAC Memos #11-Payment Required for Service Credited under G.L. c. 32, Section 4(2)(b), #12-IRS Determination Letters, PERAC Pension News, January PRIT Fund Update, Boston Millennia-Distribution, Boston Millennia-Quarterly Report, Crescendo Ventures-Quarterly Report, After-Closing Trial balance and Reports through the month of December, Budget Balances as of February, Monthly Transfers for February, Recent Retiree Deaths, Monthly Cash flow

The correspondence and reports were received and reviewed by the Board Members and the Executive Director.

Motion made by Mantoni to adjourn at 5:58 P.M., second by Scanlon and voted unanimously.

Robert P. Moynihan, Chairman

Thomas M. Scanlon, Elected Member

Haskell Kennedy, Appointed Member

Patrick S. Burns, Appointed Member

Philip J. Mantoni, 5th Member