February 5, 2020, Meeting Agenda


Agenda Item #1-Minutes
Vote to consider approving the minutes of the meeting held on January 8, 2020.

Agenda Item #2-Voluntary Accidental Disability Application-Juan Flores-Police Department
Vote to consider the acceptance of the application for Accidental Disability benefits submitted by Juan Flores, and request that PERAC convene a medical panel.

Agenda Item #3-Voluntary Accidental Disability Application-Margaret Cahillane-Facilities Management
Vote to consider the responses of the medical panel for Accidental Disability benefits submitted by Margaret Cahillane.

Agenda Item #4-Accidental Disability Application-Luis Astacio-Department of Public Works
Vote to consider the responses of the medical panel for Accidental Disability benefits submitted by Luis Astacio. Tabled from the January 8, 2020 meeeting.

Agenda Item #5-Superannuations
Vote to consider the acceptance of the following Superannuations:
1. Robert Bohl, Police Officer, Police Department with 32 years and 8 months as of 2/20/2020.
2. Jeffery Brown, Working Foreman 1, Water & Sewer Commission with 33 years and 4 months as of 2/15/2020.
3. Norman Charest, Lieutenant, Police Department with 37 years and 2 months as of 2/1/2020.
4. Michael Greco, District Fire Chief Commander, Fire Department with 32 years and 4 months as of 2/5/2020.
5. Dennis Jusino, Firefighter, Fire Department with 32 years and 7 months as of 3/21/2020.
6. Robert Majewski, Police Officer, Police Department with 32 years as of 4/2/2020.
7. Stephen Moriarty, Junior Custodian, School Department with 32 years and 9 months as of 2/13/2020.
8. James Prior, Police Officer, Police Department with 32 years and 5 months as of 4/7/2020.
9. Joel-Bernard Stern, Police Officer, Police Department with 32 years as of 3/31/2020.
10. Deborah Weckerly, Senior Customer Representative, Water & Sewer Commission with 26 years and 10 months as of 2/12/2020.
11. Stephen Wyszynski, Lieutenant, Police Department with 34 years and 4 months as of 1/14/2020.

Agenda Item #6-Warrants
Vote to reaffirm the approval of the following warrants:
Warrant #1 Expenses in the amount of $8,578.00
Warrant #2 Expenses in the amount of $4,613.57
Warrant #3 Retiree payroll in the amount of $6,813,633.37
and redemption from the PRIT fund in the amount of $5,575,000.00
Warrant #4 Transfers in the amount of $124,218.82
Warrant #5 Refunds in the amount of $128,125.41

Agenda Item #7-Refunds/Transfers to Other Systems
Vote to consider the twenty (20) requests for refunds and transfers to other systems. The names have been submitted to their particular Department, the Law Department and the Massachusetts Department of Revenue.

Agenda Item #8-Redeposit of Refunds and Makeup of Contributions
Vote to consider the makeup of contributions to:
1. LaVallee, Doreen, Specialist, School Department, for 2 months of employment with the School Department.
2. Tosado, John, Police Officer, Police Department, for 9 months of employment-Hampden County Retirement System.
Vote to consider the redeposit of refunds to:
1. Amaya Alvarado, Jimmy, Security, School Department, for the refund from Holyoke Retirement Board in 2018.
2. Perez, Juanita, Paraprofessional, School Department, for the refund from the Springfield Retirement System in 2019.
3. Polk Jr., Rufus, Specialist, School Department, for the refund from the State Board of Retirement in 2005.

Agenda Item #9-Calendar for Retirement Board Member Election
Vote to adopt the election calendar, process, and designate the election officer.

Agenda Item #10-Benefits under Section 12(2)(d)
Vote to accept the election of 12(2)(d) benefits from the beneficiary of Thomas W. Tabb of the School Department-Deceased

Agenda Item #11-Director’s Report

Agenda Item #12-Attorney’s Report

Agenda Item #13-Old Business

Agenda Item #14-New Business

F. Y. I.
• PERAC Memos
o #1-Tobacco Company List
o #2-2018 Comparative Analysis Fee Report
o #3-Mandatory Retirement Board Member Training – 1st Quarter
o #4-Investment Consultant RFPs
o #5-2020 Limits under Chapter 46 of the Acts of 2002
o #6-2020 Limits under Section 23 of Chapter 131 of the Acts of 2010
o #7-COLA Notice
o #8-Actuarial Data
o #9-Buyback and Make-up Repayment Worksheets
o #10-2020 Interest Rate set at 0.1%
• PERAC Correspondence-Actuarial Valuation
• December PRIT Fund Update
• PRIM-Annual CAFR Report-FY 2019
• Trial Balance, Adjusting Entries, Receipts, Disbursements and General Ledger for the month of December
• Treasurer’s Reconciliation for the month of November
• Crescendo Ventures-Distribution
• Budget Balances as of January
• Monthly Transfers for January
• Recent Retiree Deaths
• Monthly Cash flow

Next meeting: March 4, 2020 @ 5:00 P.M.

The Board reserves the right to consider items on the agenda out of order. In addition, the Board may enter into Executive Session during the meeting if requested by the individual or as deemed necessary by the Board or its Legal Counsel.